This term traditionally means a time for up to 6 weeks after birth when mommy and baby along with daddy and siblings bond with baby. Staying home, relaxing, helping the baby learn to nurse, letting the mommy recover from the emotional and physical strain of pregnancy and birth. A time to let the baby become accustom to life outside the womb and easily and peacefully adjust to their new environment. Although this is very traditional in most every other culture in the entire world, our modern American culture encourages moms to get back at it as quickly as possible and resume life as normal. Mom never really gets the time her body needs to recover. Honestly, these days the quicker you are to get back "on your game" the more everyone "rewards" you with comments about how brave you are and how great you are doing.
This is such a reflection of the busy, overloaded culture we live in. When did it become such a good thing for a mom to rush back to life as normal and not just let nature take it's course in purging the body and resting the soul during those first few weeks.
I was helping in the church nursery last week and a mom brought her FOUR week old baby to the nursery. Not just to church but to the nursery for someone else to care for and for all those lovely nursery germs to get to baby. To my dismay the other nursery workers were congratulating her for being there and telling her how great she was doing to be out and about so soon.... WHAT? Are you kidding me? So I guess those of us who choose to be home and resting are just plain lazy.
Well label me lazy, I don't really care.... I believe in the need for a Babymoon and I plan to have as much of one as I can get.
Of course Jimmy and I and the children have to be on a plane to Orlando THREE weeks after Ben is born so my Babymoon is cut in half. No, were not going to Disney, its for my brothers wedding. Believe me, other than the wedding of my only sibling NOTHING could get me on a plane or any other trip just THREE weeks after the birth of a baby. I'm picturing a germ infested plane and a brand new 3 week old immune system.... YIKES! Oh and no, driving was never an alternative... 24 hours in a car with 3 children and a baby who needs to nurse every 2 hours... HA!!! That would be a 30 hour trip before you know it.... Think again!
Anyway, all this to say... I can't wait for my "lazy" Babymoon!.... as short lived as it will be. =(
Ecclesiastes 3:1
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven"