Ok, so this Wed. we leave for vacation to my favorite city ever, Boston!! Some people love the beach, some people love the mountains, BUT Jimmy and I love the city!! We like to get out of the suburbs and relax in the big city!! Not just any big city but particularly Boston. This will be our first time to take Anna with us so we are thrilled to show her this place we love so much. She got a book for her birthday last yeart called Good Night Boston (thank you Nana and Pop!!) that shows all the sights and landmarks in Boston. She loves that book and now she has been looking at it with tons of anticipation knowing she will be seeing those sites herself very soon. I think she is most excited about the "huge" park and the subway!
We are also taking a little side jaunt through New England to Kennebunkport and Portsmouth. We hope to see some beautiful changing leaves, something we don't get much of here in good old Texas! =) Plus, Anna loves the beach so as both of these towns are coastal that should add that much more fun to the trip for her!!
Anyway, so as a wonderful surprise, my precious hubby gave me an afternoon at the spa this past Saturday in preparation for the trip. I got an incredible facial and pedicure, which are both wonderful for any woman much less a pregnant one!! =) He always thinks of these sweet things to do for me.... and goes the extra mile to make sure I feel treasured and loved. He even took Anna for a special daddy daughter date while I was there. They had sushi for lunch (don't worry she gets veggie sushi and she loves it, were not forcing this stuff on her) and then they went to the park and fed the ducks and played on the playground.
What a nice day for me, reliaxing at the spa taking care of me AND knowing my sweet girl is getting to do something she loves, like hang out with her daddy and go to the park! Score one for my hubby!! He's amazing!!
All in all it was a fabulous weekend and I can't wait for Boston!
Here are some pics from Boston, the first is when Jimmy and I were there last year obviously at Fenway, the second one is from our first trip there together when I was pregnant with Anna.