Psalm 127:3-5

Behold children are a gift of the LORD,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior, so are the children of one's youth.
How blessed are those whose quiver is full of them

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baby brother, baby sister

He just asked to hold her for the first time this week. Now he asks constantly!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mornings around here

I want to record these pictures of what mornings looked like at this point in our lives so someday when they are older I can always remember these times. Summer morning, children peacefully sleeping, sunshine starting to come thru the windows... The anticipation of quiet turning to the busy wonderful craziness of our typical day.

I love to watch them sleep but I really love it when they gradually start waking and drift in one by one with sleepy eyed hugs and snuggles! I sure do love each of these sweet kiddos!

(by the way.. Don't hate and talk bad about me cause my baby sleeps on her tummy... All my babies have.)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

6 week update

At her 6 week appointment yesterday our sweet girl weighed in at 9 pounds 12 ounces!! That is a 2 pound 4 ounce gain since birth... Good job "Pay Pay"!

That would be another piece of 6 week info... She is lovingly referred to as "Pay Pay" by all members of the family!

She is sleeping from about 11:00 pm - 6:00 am !!!!!! That is her own little schedule she has fallen into and I am very pleased with that. She really sleeps most of the late evening too but I don't officially put her in her bed until her last feeding at around 11:00. She is sleeping next to our bed in her little attached cosleeper and it seems to be a really good situation for her and us. I plan to keep her there until she starts pulling up in bed which usually seems to be around 6-7 months for our babies.

She smiles a ton and LOVES her sisters and brothers and seems to know she has a special connection to them. She "talks" so much making all kinds of sweet noises! I love it!!

She loves to be on her blanket on the grass and listen to the other children play. I lay her on a blanket on the grass every afternoon and she just pleasantly looks at the sky and turns her head back and forth listening to the MANY sounds of children playing.

She has such a precious little demeanor and never gets upset unless she is just starving. Just a generally pleasant baby. We are so in love with this little girl. She has brought so much joy to this house! We love you Patience Joy!

First school book

One of our local bookstores is having a huge curriculum sale this week so we recently purchased some things for next year. One of those items was Serenes math book for next year. This is her first kindergarten textbook and boy was she excited! September 10, 2012.... First day of Kindergarten!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Closet helper

Serene is not my most helpful child... When I ask her to help clean up she usually falls on the floor and starts taking about how incredibly tired she is and really has been all day and it would just be asking too much of her to pick up so much as a crumb of bread. :) I'm not making this up... Drama queen!

BUT, the other night out of nowhere she proudly took me to see that she had cleaned up our entirely dirty family closet. It was bad. She did it all herself and we were all super proud... You can tell from the picture that she was pretty darn proud herself !! Yay Serene!!

Saturday fun in the sand

Playing peek-a-boo