I can't believe I'm now 31 weeks and counting.... this pregnancy has FLOWN by so fast. It seems like it was YESTERDAY that I had a funny (yet familiar) feeling in my queasy tummy and saw the word PREGNANT on that test. After of course Jimmy resuscitated me from the shock... NOT bad shock.... but still shock none the less! Now here we are within just weeks of meeting our little boy.
Although I have many people asking me constantly if we are nervous or scared about having two little ones so close together I honestly have to say we really have a peace about it. Have we figured out how we are gonna take the whole crew of SIX out to dinner yet or how I'm gonna manage naps and feedings for one newborn baby and one semi-baby??? No, we don't have a clue... I'm a VERY organized person and yet I still have a total peace that this precious little man is just gonna fit right in and we will make it work.
Sleepless nights? Bring it on... they don't scare me.
Skipping a few showers? Been there done that, it's part of the new mommy territory.
The potential of THREE screaming children at one time (I mean let's face it, Serene is really still a baby herself in so many ways)? Not worried... patience is my friend!
There are a lot of unknowns about how we are gonna manage it all but there are lots of other things we don't worry about because we know they pass and baby's grow up and we will sleep again and have our sanity again! =)
One thing I am so glad about though is knowing our little boy before he ever gets here. There isn't a prayer time in our house that goes by without each person thanking God for Rivers by name. Anna draws me lots of pictures of my children and each one includes a drawing of Rivers with his little name spelled underneath his face. We talk to him and call him by his name. We talk about the nicknames he might have. We tell Ben all about the brother Rivers that he will soon meet. Jimmy talks all the time about the neat things he is going to do with his "boys"! I just love it. I love that we are taking the time to include him by name in our lives now. He is so real and precious to us already. We love you Rivers! You are our strong little man and we can't wait until we can hold you and see your handsome face! You are one seriously loved little boy!