Psalm 127:3-5

Behold children are a gift of the LORD,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior, so are the children of one's youth.
How blessed are those whose quiver is full of them

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fall festival fun

This evening we went to the Fall Festival at First Baptist Church Colleyville. It was so much fun and Anna got to do lots of neat things! Pumpkin painting, cookie decorating, bead stringing to make necklaces, wagon ride, mini-golf, face painting, petting zoo and best of all LOTS of candy collecting!! Next on the list is a fall festival Wed. night at Pop and Nanas church!! MORE CANDY!! YUM!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Back to the pumpkin patch

Since we had such a great time last Sunday at the pumpkin patch Anna and I went back again yesterday! There were about 10 times less people there than on the weekend which made it a little more relaxing, and Anna had a lot more room to run around without me worrying she would get lost in the crowd. We took lots more pictures, shared a snow cone, bought another pumpkin, took a hayride and I pulled Anna around the entire pumpkin yard in a wagon about 10 times (very good exercise).

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Boston Red Sox

As of midnight Boston time the Sox are going to the World Series!!!!!

Growing up too fast...

As I stated earlier, the pumpkin patch is a tradition for our family and at the pumpkin patch we have taken Anna's picture by this littke growth chart every year.... although it is never accurate to her real height... it is fun to see her growing!!

This year the chart looks like she is 37-38 inches when in fact her last doctors appt. said 39 3/4 inches... again, fun but not too accurate!! =)

Pumpkin Patch 2

Pumpkin Patch

Here are some pics of the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch. This has been a tradition now for 3 years, and this year by far had to be the most fun, simply because Anna had a blast. She was going nuts over all the character cut outs they had and wanted her picture by literally EVERY one of them... ok most of them! =)

We also took a really fun hay ride and got a couple of pumpkins to take home. It was a very fun morning and made Anna very happy!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

My sleeping beauty

I don't think there will every come a day when watching this child sleep doesn't warm my heart and remind me how in love I am with her. Even after watching her sleep for almost 3 years now it still affects me the same. This morning was no different!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Cowboys loss...

Does anyone else find it interesting that the only undefeated team in the NFL is the one team that was CAUGHT cheating?? I may LOVE Boston and the New England area but I despise the Patriots and always have.... yesterday only reinforces my disgust.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Pondering my mommy moments

I don't know if it's the rainy morning or just being pregnant but I am feeling very emotional today thinking about that fact that my days with just my precious Anna are coming to an end. PLEASE don't get me wrong, I am thrilled beyong description to have my new little girl Serene on the way... but there is a bit of sadness in my heart when I think of the precious one on one time my Anna and I have spent together over the last almost 3 years coming to a close.

I have always been a stay at home mom, and purposed not to have lots of other activities to consume our days together. Our days have been each other.... first it was just sitting and nursing and cuddling, then soon enough I was chasing a wobbly toddler across the house, then it was coloring together, reading together, and playdough. Now it's putting away dishes together (she does all the plastic stuff and silverware.... all by herself I might add) as we sing a song or she tells me one of her wild stories of when she was in high school (she has heard Jimmy and I talk about being in high school so now she talks about it too...usually she tells me how she didn't like high school and I agree I didn't like it much either and we get a good laugh out of that!!) =) Anyway.... back to my original point... sorry... it's those moments she and I have had over the last 2+ years that will forever live in my heart as the most precious time in my life EVER! Our naps, snuggled together in mommy and daddys bed, just resting in the quiet of the afternoon, having this feeling that life doesn't get much better than this. And every single morning when she gets out of bed, she comes to find me wherever I am in the house and we sit and I just hold her for 10, 15 sometimes 20 minutes, I ask her how she is and every morning she says "great" and those are about all the words we say... mainly I just hold her and snuggle and try to capture that moment like a photograph in my heart.

I know these moments will not end all together BUT I do remember what it is like to have a newborn and that life changes A LOT.... so I am not naive enough to think things will remain the same. However, my mom always tells me that change is a good thing, it means new things are happening and life is progressing as it should. It's true and I can't wait to bring little Serene into this incredible life we live together. For now though, I am going to soak in every moment with Anna and lock each one in my heart!