Psalm 127:3-5

Behold children are a gift of the LORD,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior, so are the children of one's youth.
How blessed are those whose quiver is full of them

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dance, dance, dance

This year Anna attended a fine arts school for homeschoolers every Monday and really loved her experience. She took Music, Drawing and Ballet. By far, her favorite class was Ballet and she really made great strides in her talent over this past year. To be honest the first few times I looked in on her class I thought oh no that poor child has my talent... Or in this case non- talent for dance. However, as the year wore in she improved so much that at her recital she was the most graceful one on that entire stage and I'm honestly not just saying that as a proud mom. She was amazing. Full of confidence, grace and poise. Her teacher pulled me to the side on the last day of classes and said Anna was by far her most improved student in all her classes and that she certainly hoped Anna planned to be back next year continuing to dance because she is a very talented dancer! Wow! I'm so proud of her and what I love best is how much she loves it. She is FULL of energy (and always has been) and this has been such an outlet for her energy. She practiced her recital dance hundreds (literally) at home in the weeks leading up to the performance.

She's amazing and made us all proud!! Look at these pictures of my baby in her recital costume... Who is that grown up girl? She's blossomed this year and really flourished. I adore her heart and her passion and her intensity. She raises the bar for us all!!