There is nothing that can make a couple of weeks fly by faster than having a new baby. WOW... can it be that my newest baby boy is already 18 days old? Tomorrow is his official due date so obviously this whole process was sped up a little more than we expected. 19 days early... yes that makes him the earliest of all our babies. They keep coming earlier than the last and being smaller than the last. Let's hope if there is a baby #5 someday that this trend won't continue.
We are having so much fun enjoying our new little man, who by the way is a super good sleeper and hardly EVER cries. He seems to be taking after his sister Serene who was also a super sleeper and incredibly happy baby. It's not all easy going though... Ben has been a serious handful these last 18 days and is really trying to make sure he is still loved and important. He really cares about his brother and is always patting and kissing him BUT he is still very jealous of how much of my time the baby requires. I think we are handling it well though and I think another few weeks and he should feel like things are ok again. I think as our "normal" schedule resumes over the next few weeks that he will feel much better!
Speaking of "normal" schedule... Jimmy went back to work on Monday after his two weeks of paternity leave and although I was incredibly nervous about handling it all by myself it has been a fairly easy transition. On Monday and Thursday a young lady from church came over to help me which was such a blessing! That definitely made my life a lot easier and most likely saved my sanity... I'm not kidding. =)
I'm not crazy, I know this is going to be a hard road... or at least a hard season of life. Managing a 2 1/2 year old, 13 month old and newborn has already posed many challenges and I'm sure it will continue to.. BUT, "I am confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in us, will be faithful to complete it".. (Phil. 1:6). I know that although hard for now, this is going to be a great journey watching our two little boys so close in age grow up together. I can't wait to see what this looks like in a year or so. It may be crazy but it's going to be so fun too!!
MANY MANY pics to follow!